13 June 2008

Help!...I am at a loss...no news there!

It has been noted that I should write more. Some people just have no lives or they are gluttons for punishment or they are just f*****g with me. I think it's the latter. I will try to write more. About what, I have no freakin idea. That is where everyone that may read this comes in. Give me ideas. Go ahead, I dare you. I will not divulge names or locations unless permission is granted. I have a few ideas, but I won't say until I receive others...some may match. Give me any subject, and I will do my silly assed best to butcher it. Send questions, tell me to give up blogging (please!), send me naked pictures if you're a female (no one noticed that subliminal message did you?)ANYTHING!

So you may know a little more...I live in the country, on five acres, with the card hand I was dealt, minus two of the jokers (thank God!) We have two dogs. I have a tractor that is used for thinning/culling the woods that our house is built in. IF the damned trees don't kill me, in a few years, the place ought to look great. The house was brand new when we bought it (no, we didn't have it built...that could be a blog there...hmmm). I grew up (well, progressed through the younger years..grew up is a stretch) in a midwestern state and have been a farmhand, machinist, mechanic, soldier, heavy equipment operator, oil field worker, bartender, insurance salesman, and numerous other 'jobs'. My late father always did say I couldn't hold a job.
I have been half way around the world, and lived in quite a few places. I do have a college degree, and how that happened is an anomaly, believe me.

Okay, I'm tired of typing. Y'all have your assignments, should you choose to accept them (fkn nuts if you do)...best of luck....wait, I'm the one that is going to have to do the writing.....DAMN!

take care


** said...

I want to know about the personalities of each of the 4 boys. You don't have to use their names just tell me about each one of them. Their strengths and otherwise!


Kath said...

YES - I wanna hear about all the little wok's!!!

** said...

Happy Fathers Day

Ya Big Ass

Your long lost daughter, exactly where were you in 1974.... hmmmm?