19 June 2008

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!....Give me a cig!!!

Though I would love to have a cigarette, I won't have one at this time...check back later. Quitting smoking, in a nutshell, SUCKS! It is a very perverse and cruel habit to break. Actually, in many circles, it is now considered an addiction. Amen to that. Quitting makes you look back and wonder WTF did you start anyway!! I honestly can't remember WHY I ever started smoking. I think i had my first 'puff' when I was around 14. Then, i remember finding a pack of my oldest brother's Pall Mall (filterless) in the car, so I took them. I remember smoking enough of them that I was sick. Thiswould have been when I was 15, because he had just gotten out of the Navy. From that point on, I can't remember exactly how the sequence of events went. You must realize, this all took place almost 40 years ago. I did start chewing tobacco when I was 13 or 14 because I was earning money baling hay. The chewing tobacco helped keep your mouth hydrated and captured the chaff from the hay...or so i was told. And i began with my first love, cigars, at 14. Fortunately, as I matured, I acquired a taste for the better cigars...still have that love of them...but, I can't smoke them. I can't do anything that may have nicotine in it, because it could trigger a return to those damned cigarettes.

I am trying to ensure that this is my last time to quit smoking. Keep the faith and hide the cigs!

Look at what I found. Below you will find my first attempts at starting this silly-assed blog. I thought I'd lost them in cyber space. from the looks of them, I should have lost them and all the others in cyber space. Y'all do realize that the time you're taking to read this verbal crap, is lost time y'all never get back.
Well, here they are...have fun:

"Someone commented that I didn't have anything written in my blog. Well, duh....I signed up for this just so i could comment on other blogs. Little did I know i didn't need to." 11June2008

"I now know people who blog. They say it helps them cope with what in happening in their worlds. I don't really give a damn about coping, I just want to better accept what is happening in mine." 28May2008

Do you see the fear on the face of that person in the pic. That is me within the first days of basic training, in our fine U.S.Army. Do you realize, I signed the paper twice...so I got to stay for 6 years!!! Epitome of dumbass! But, i did have fun. That pic is what April 1974 looked like, on my face. I left Ohio where cigs were 35 cents a pack and got sent to South Carolina, where they were 14 cents a pack. And people wonder why we smoked then....it was cheap! Of course gasoline was only 33 cents a gallon, and in Hillsboro, Ohio they would have gas wars and you could get it for 18 cents a gallon...sometimes. How's that for dating/aging myself! The bowling alley at Ft Jackson, or maybe it was Ft Leonard Wood, you could get 16oz cup of Schlitz for 25 cents or Budweiser for 35 cents. We found that if you bought the Schlitz and put a little salt in it, it would taste better...the art of drinking cheap! I look at the army as my stepping off into the world, because it forever changed me. Someday, maybe i'll blog about that.

Now quit reading this shit and get back to your own effective life...or at least act like you got a life....sheesh!

Take care and enjoy life!


Unknown said...

groovy glasses :)
I wish the gas prices were the same now as back then. aww the good ole days. '74 was a good year.

Kath said...

Awwwww Wok you prettied up your blog!!!!! Its ever so lovely now!

Have a GREAT Friday - give my love to the sods.


** said...

Alright, I am getting jealous. You are doing all the cool things I can't do. This is not fair. NOT FAIR.

Salt...... with lime......

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila..... FLOOR

I still need to know your where abouts in December of 1973!

Why does your van say "I have candy on the side"?

** said...

It's not Friday, its Wednesday night at 9:11 P.M. Got it?

:) Adios Amigo