18 June 2008

Wednesday Wanderings

My work week is more than halfway over...YAY!!! Well, my work week at my "paying" job. Then there is the little matter of my non-paying job at HunnyDew Lists, Inc. Yes, THAT job. I work four, ten hour days Monday through Thursday, so i can have more time to get HunnyDews done at at Froggy Oak Acres at the end of Morning Wood Lane. I do this in the summer because it is dangerous to have two teenage boys alone at home for very long, and this year, I thought it prudent to have one less trip into town, due to gas prices. Well, this has proven...let's see....STUPID!....because I usually come into town anyway to get supplies, etc. But, I have to admit, it is very nice to have one less day to put up with the crap(?) at my paying job.

Now I have to remember WHY I started this...............oh yeah. Working 4-10's (four, ten hour days) is more tiring than I give it credit. And this week the boys are at camp, so we (read that as I, but I'm trying to be maritally blissful and 'fair') are trying to get one of the boy's room painted. They were to clean it and pack things up before they left...HA! Someday I'll learn...someday. So, last night was spent "cleaning" the room. OMG, the places a kid can stash trash...and NOT in a trash can. Is it sport to see how many freakin candy wrappers can be stashed behind the dresser? WTF, is there reasoning behind having still folded CLEAN laundry in the dirty laundry hamper??? And again I digress. I was just trying to explain to myself, why I feel so tired...I sometimes forget and just assume it's because I am getting old...which i am....I understand that. But I used to be able to do 6, 12 hour days. I know, and yes, it did take that long to feed and clean up after the dinosaurs. So, tonight my plan is to finish the cleaning, and then mask and paint the room. I'm hoping 2-3 hours and maybe a six pack (oh yeah, it will be Pepsi....NOT!) That reminds me of the time many years ago, in the house before this one. All four boys were still living at home (damn, that is long ago and far away), and were of the "early bedtime" age. After putting all the boys to bed, d'wife and i were going to paint the living room. We had already prepped it, so it was just a matter of the actual painting. Oh, and we were to be fueled by a 12 pack of beer. We finally finished that room in the wee hours of the morning and proceeded to go to bed. The next morning, it was pointed out to us, by a couple of the young gentlemen, that there seemed to be stripes on one of the walls..........yep, you guessed it. it was the last wall painted, after the last beers from the 12 pack. Oh well....nobody noticed the overrun spots on the ceiling, from the roller.

So, enough ranting for today, I'm tired. At 4:00 this afternoon, my work week at the paying job will be 75% over...YAY! God only knows when my work week at Froggy Oak Acres at the end of Morning Wood Lane will EVER be over. If y'all are bored...come on over this weekend......looks like it's going to be a sod laying weekend.

Have a good'un


** said...

You are such a good HunnyDewer! Miles and I have done many a midnight painting jobs! Many! Usually to go WTF in morning. :)

Kath said...

YAY - Leaving right now for Long Weekend at HunnyDews!!!!

Not sure about the sod laying - I'm not a fan of idiot men and the prospect of laying them leaves me a tad cold.

Beth said...

this is beautiful, Bill, absolutely beautiful. i enjoyed getting to know more about your family :)

Beth said...

aaaargh, this was supposed to be in response to your father's day blog. i am comment-challenged :(